

U like to play Games?
I LIKE it ... insanely ~ XD


dun think to be a games developer is an easy job~
u r TOTALLY wrong~
a truly game developer is even harder than an accountant~

y do i say so?
what a game developer need is creative~
do an account no need creative~
just finish the account, balance sheet without any error~
then u can pass up your work to your boss~

so do u think a game developer can finish his job and simply pass to boss and wait for money?
NO !!
after finish create a game~
if the games not attractive and creative~
it will not be interested by other gamers~
SO which jobs is harder?


in games industrian~
divided games in to Games Art + Games Developer + Games Programmers + others~

Games art quite same with Games designer~
who is mainly in the design category~
if needed~
it will be divided into few parts~
like Button Designer, Weapon Designer, Character Designer and ...

Games Developer~
who is in charged of storyline, concept, engine & so on~

Games Programmer~
who is only take part in programming~
it got Music Programmer, Background Programmer, Lighting & Shadow Programmer and ...

Do u know that?
how many people together and how long time taken to produce a Assasin Creed?

Answer is : 400++ people and 1~2 years~

amazing right?

So do you interested to create a game too?

Step 1 - Form a team (at least 5 ppl = 1 developer + 2 artists + 2 programmers)
Step 2 - Get money (all the needed program to create game is need Loyalty fee)
Step 3 - Develop games
Step 4 - Publish games
Step 5 - Wait and see the respond of the gamers to the games
(Well dun really wait n do nothing, go back to step 1 while waiting~)

So got a simply concept of GAMES?

the information above is brought u by G.A.M.E.S. TALK @ APIIT 12 DEC~
im just one of the attendee~
hope u learn something from it~
haha XD

5 条评论:

Yann 说...

now u know. lol.
game develop next year?

贤俊 说...

still dunno yet~

Hao Ran 说...

So, you're studying game designing? I am always thrilled by the storyline and action in first person shooting. Spend some time on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and you'll know why. ;)

Erm, the films we shot 4 years ago are still safe in my computer. I plan to show all of them at the next J8B gathering, bring your pendrive and I'll transfer all of them to you.

Your email add?

贤俊 说...

dear hao ran~
my email address is

koryuen 说...

but many people still buy /download pirate game..as a game developer..can you survive ????
