long time did not blogging~
因为 该死的 streamyx 收费很贵~
all because goddaXX streamyx fee is very expensive~
i cant afford to pay it~
so i come some special duo-language blogging for today~
最近在学校学了一点 LINUX 的 指令~
i had learnt some LINUX basic command at school recently~
clear 清除之前所输入的所有指令
clear away all the history of command
man clear 解释 clear 的用途
explain the use of clear
man = manual
q to quit from the manual
ls 显示所有在 电脑 / 文件档 里的文件
display all the files
ls -l 仔细的显示所有文件的资料
display all the files in detail
-l = longlist
file > document 储存 file 进 document 里 [例子] myfile > mydocument
就是把名字为 myfile 的文件 存进名字为 mydocument 的文件档里
store file into a document [example] myfile > mydocument
store a file named myfile into a document named mydocument
*if the document not empty, new will overwrite the old one
cat file 开文件 [把 file 换成泥要看的文件名字]
open the file [change the "file" to the name file u want to open]
file >> document 在文件档里增加新文件
add new file into document
cat > file 制造一个新的文件,然后会直接进入新开的文件
create a new file, then it will open instantly
ctrl + D 储存文件
same meaning as "save file"
head -n 2 file 显示文件中最上第二行的资料
show the 2nd line in the file from top
tail -n 3 file 显示文件中最下第三行的资料
show the 3rd line in the file from bottom
more file 显示大的文件,一页一页察看 [阅读而已]
display the big files in page-by-page [READ ONLY]
rm file 删除文件
remove / delete file
mkdir folder 制造新的文件夹
create a new folder
cd folder 开文件夹
open a folder
ls -l 仔细地显示所有在文件夹里的文件
display all the files in folder in detail
cat > file 在文件夹里制造新的文件
create a new file in the folder
rm file 从文件夹里删除文件
remove / delete file from the folder
ps 显示正在执行的程序
show process
kill 程序 停止正执行的程序
end the process
kill -6 程序 强制停止正执行的程序
force to end the process
pwd 告诉你现在身在什么文件夹里
tell you where you are now
date 显示日期时间
show date and time
cal 2009 显示2009年的月历
display the calender of year 2009
cal = calender
sudo shutdown -h 1 电脑将在一分钟后关机
the computer will shutdown within 1 min
the last command i love the most
try it urself
sudo apt-get moo
so i going to stop here
hope can help the LINUX learner who needed help in basic la~
曼谷之旅 5天4夜 行程表
6 年前
2 条评论:
useradd -m -g 100 -G 200 -C "xianjun" -u 1001 xianjun
wat command is that?